Comprehensive Board Meeting  June 10, 2020

The Town of Dayton Public Hearing on the Review of the Comprehensive Plan was called to order by Chairman Wastlick. The pledge of allegiance was recited. It was determined that the Public meeting agenda was posted at the proper locations. Discussion on the 9 required elements of our comprehensive plan was discussed by Comprehensive board members Andy Hofer, Jamie Jones, Dale Bender, James Lingel and Richard Wastlick. Dale Bender made a motion to accept the Comprehensive Plan from 2010 to be current until 2030; seconded by Andy Hofer; motion carried. Andy Hofer made a motion to close the Public meeting; seconded by James Lingel; motion carried. 
Dated June 10th 2020

Current Township Comprehensive Plan

Click on the thumbnail to the left to download current plan.

Download "2006_Town_Dayton_Comprehensive_Plan.pdf"